Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Patiseria Website:

Your privacy as a visitor is of utmost importance to us. The privacy policy outlined in this document provides an overview of the types of personal information collected by the Patiseria website and how this information is utilized.

We utilize third-party advertising companies to display ads. When you visit Patiseria , these companies may use information about your visits to provide ads tailored to goods and services of interest through cookie technology.

Patiseria uses Google Ads as an external financial resource. Google, through its cookie policy, displays ads on our site. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads based on users' interests derived from their visits to our site. Visitors can disable the DART cookie through Google's Ads Settings.

Log Files:

Similar to other websites, Patiseria uses log files, including IP addresses, browser type, internet service provider, date/time stamp, and click analysis, for trends analysis.

We assure you that all collected information is kept confidential, used solely for improving ad quality by Google, and remains within the scope of our website's development and enhancement.

Cookies and Network Settings:

Google employs cookies to store information about visitors' interests and maintains a user log specific to accessed or visited pages. This helps us understand visitor interests to enhance our service and content.

Some advertising companies, like Google AdSense, may examine cookies and network settings on our site for audience targeting. These third-party advertisers use technology such as cookies, network settings, and JavaScript for ad quality improvement and effectiveness measurement.

Patiseria has no access or control over these files. Users are responsible for reviewing the privacy policies of third-party advertisers for further information on their practices and activities.

For more information or questions about our privacy policy, feel free to contact us through our contact form.

Please note that this policy may be subject to updates and changes at any time as deemed necessary.